Friday, May 05, 2023

Fano and Rimini May 3

 Today we drove up the Adriatic coast to Rimini, stopping at Ancona, a major port city and then at a small seaside town, Fano, for lunch. Ancona dates back to Roman days with a Roman wall along one section of the dock with an Arch (pictured) named for Emperor Trajan. There was also a market in full swing which absorbed some (!) of our time there.

Fano has a city wall that dates back to the first century BCE and again some beautiful old buildings and large churches.

Our destination, Rimini is said to have 100 beaches, which we think means all the small sections reserved for beachside hotels. We would have driven past close to that many hotels going up the last part of the coast road. An endless line of hotels in varying conditions, from modern palatial to once glorious shells now left derelict.


Church of Saint Maria della Piazza (13 century)

Ancona Harbour

Trajan’s Arch

Chiesa del Santissimo Sacramento

Fano old City Gate

Fano battlements


Fano Cathedral di Santa Maria Assunta


Rimini Beach from hotel


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