Saturday, August 03, 2024

July 31 Hoi Anh

A quiet day around the pool then a trip to the Hoi Anh market to pick up our shopping. The shoes and sandals were both miles too small for my wide feet, the bag wasn’t quite the same colour that Di had chosen but close enough we decided in the end and the other things were fine. 

Then back to the hotel where we had booked into BBQ dinner on the lawn with various local entertainments. All went well until a tropical storm began and we had to run for cover. But the staff had done it all before and we were quickly sitting in the dining room enjoying the BBQ food and watching indoor dancing and singin.

The final entertainment was karaoke which, yes, we took part in with great success if I do say so myself.

Rain coming down in buckets

Di performing with the other women. I avoided being photographed.


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